Supported Operating System's Software and Drivers for Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family





This guide is for supported operating systems to ensure your Intel® Server System is running with updated software and drivers. 

Product Family Software and Driver Links

Intel® Server Board S2600WF Family

Intel® Server System R1000WF Family

Intel® Server System R2000WF Family

Windows* Drivers

Intel® Server Chipset Driver for Windows* Based on Intel® 62X Chipset 
Onboard Network Driver
ASPEED Onboard Video Driver
Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) and Intel® Rapid Storage Technology enterprise (Intel® RSTe) RAID Driver
Intel® Embedded Server RAID Technology 2 (Intel® ESRT2) RAID Driver


Linux* Drivers

Network Driver for Linux* Based on Intel® 62X Chipset 
ASPEED Onboard Video Driver
Intel® VROC and Intel® Rapid Storage Technology enterprise Intel® RSTe) RAID Driver
Intel® Embedded Server RAID Technology 2 (Intel® ESRT2) RAID Driver


VMware* Drivers

Intel® Onboard Network Driver (ESXi 6.5, 6.0)
Intel® Onboard Network Driver (ESXi 6.7, Embedded in OS)
ASPEED Onboard Video Driver (ESXi 6.7, Embedded in OS)
Intel® RSTe RAID Driver (ESXi 6.7, Embedded in OS)