Article ID: 000086775 Content Type: Troubleshooting Last Reviewed: 05/01/2018

Can I retain the contents of User Flash Memory while programming an Intel® MAX® 10 device?


  • Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition

    Yes, the contents of User Flash Memory (UFM) in Intel® MAX® 10 FPGAs can retained in certain use cases.

    When you see the below message in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard software while programming an Intel MAX 10 FPGA, Quartus Programmer erases the CFM as well as UFM content.

    Warning (16139): Perform full chip erase and program at device index 1

    The Programmer issues a full chip erase if the ICB bits of the new pof file does not match with the ICB bits of the previously programmed pof file.



    To avoid a full chip erase of the Intel MAX 10 flash memory and to retain the UFM content:

    • Ensure a factory default image exists in CFM0.
    • Program CFM1 with the application image.
    • Use Dual Configuration IP or CONFIG_SEL pin to switch between images or boot from CFM0 and CFM1.

    This requires the design to have

    • Configuration mode selected as Dual Compressed Images
    • Verify Protect feature must not be enabled when trying to retain the UFM contents while programming.



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    Intel® MAX® 10 FPGAs