Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
Document Table of Contents Avalon® -MM Slave Translator

The Avalon® -MM Slave Translator converts the Avalon® -MM slave interface to a simplified representation that the Platform Designer network can use.
Figure 85.  Avalon® -MM Slave Network Interface

An Avalon® -MM Slave Translator performs the following functions:

  • Drives the beginbursttransfer and byteenable signals.
  • Supports Avalon® -MM slaves that operate using fixed timing and or slaves that use the readdatavalid signal to identify valid data.
  • Translates the read, write, and chipselect signals into the representation that the Avalon® ‑ST slave response network uses.
  • Converts active low signals to active high signals.
  • Translates word and symbol addresses and burstcounts.
  • Handles burstcount timing and sequencing.
  • Removes unnecessary address bits.