Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Standard Edition: Custom Platform Toolkit User Guide

ID 683398
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

2.3.2. aocl_mmd_get_info

The aocl_mmd_get_info function obtains information about the board specified in the requested_info_id argument.


int aocl_mmd_get_info( int handle,
                       aocl_mmd_info_t requested_info_id,
                       size_t param_value_size,
                       void* param_value,
                       size_t* param_size_ret );

Function Arguments

  1. handle—A positive int value representing the handle to the board obtained from the aocl_mmd_open() call.

  2. requested_info_id—An enum value of type aocl_mmd_offline_info_t that indicates the device information returning to the caller.
    Table 18.  Possible Enum Values for the requested_info_id Argument
    Name Description Type
    AOCL_MMD_NUM_KERNEL_INTERFACES Number of kernel interfaces int
    AOCL_MMD_KERNEL_INTERFACES Kernel interfaces int*
    AOCL_MMD_PLL_INTERFACES Kernel clock handles int*
    AOCL_MMD_MEMORY_INTERFACE Global memory handle int
    AOCL_MMD_TERMPERATURE Temperature measurement float
    AOCL_MMD_PCIE_INFO PCIe® information char*
    AOCL_MMD_BOARD_NAME Board name char*
    AOCL_MMD_BOARD_UNIQUE_ID Unique board ID char*

  3. param_value_size—Size of the param_value field in bytes. This size_t value should match the size of the expected return type that the enum definition indicates.

    For example, if AOCL_MMD_TEMPERATURE returns a value of type float, set the param_value_size to sizeof (float). You should see the same number of bytes returned in the param_size_ret argument.

  4. param_value—A void* pointer to the variable that receives the returned information.

  5. param_size_ret—A pointer argument of type size_t* that receives the number of bytes of returned data.

Return Value

A negative return value indicates an error.