Intel® FPGA Download Cable II User Guide

ID 683719
Date 5/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

A.1.2. Jtagserver Setting

  1. Open Windows OS command prompt
  2. Execute the following command:
    jtagconfig --serverinfo
    Example output message is
    Installed JTAG server is ‘<Quartus Prime install folder>\quartus\bin64\jtagserver.exe' 
    Service manager reports server is running 
    Server reports path: <Quartus Prime install folder>\quartus \bin64\jtagserver.exe 
    Server reports version: Version 18.1.1 Build 646 04/11/2019 SJ Standard Edition 
    Remote clients are disabled (no password)
    If the installed JTAG server does not match the version of the Quartus® Prime software you use, install the same version of JTAG server as the Quartus® Prime software.
  3. Set the environment variables correctly following the steps described in the jtagconfig version setting in the sections above.
  4. Execute the following commands
    Jtagserver –uninstall
    Jtagserver –install
  5. Restart your computer