SDI II Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683133
Date 10/05/2023

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Document Table of Contents Avalon® Memory-Mapped Interface Translators

The Avalon® Memory-Mapped Interface Master Translator and Avalon® Memory-Mapped Interface Slave Translator are Avalon® memory-mapped interface interface blocks that access the Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller registers. The translators are not SDI-specific and are automatically instantiated when the core interfaces with an Avalon® memory-mapped interface master or slave component.

If you want to bypass the Avalon® memory-mapped interface translator in your design, connect reconfig_mgmt_address[8:2] from the reconfiguration management block to reconfig_mgmt_address from the Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller.

You can connect the other signals from the reconfiguration management block directly to the Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller.
  • reconfig_mgmt_waitrequest
  • reconfig_mgmt_read
  • reconfig_mgmt_readdata
  • reconfig_mgmt_write
  • reconfig_mgmt_writedata