Qsys System Design Tutorial

ID 683378
Date 5/04/2015
Document Table of Contents Add a One-to-Two Streaming Demultiplexer

The one-to-two streaming demultiplexer performs the opposite operation of the two-to-one streaming multiplexer. It has a streaming input interface, st_input, that accepts data from the pattern reader, and two streaming output interfaces, st_output_A and st_output_B, that connect to the custom pattern generator and PRBS pattern generator. To allow the processor to program the data route through the component, the system includes the slave interface, csr.
  1. In the IP Catalog, expand Memory Test Microcores, and then double-click One-to-two Streaming Demux.
  2. In the parameter editor, accept the default parameters, and then click Finish.
  3. Rename the instance to one_to_two_st_demux.
  4. Set the one_to_two_st_demux clock to clk_0.
  5. Export the one_to_two_st_demux st_input interface with the name st_data_in.
  6. Connect the one_to_two_st_demux csr interface to the mm_bridge m0 interface.
  7. Assign the one_to_two_st_demux csr interface to a base address of 0x0400.
  8. Connect the custom_pattern_checker st_pattern_input interface to the one_to_two_st_demux st_output_A interface.
  9. Connect the prbs_pattern_checker st_pattern_input interface to the one_to_two_st_demux st_output_B interface.