Qsys System Design Tutorial

ID 683378
Date 5/04/2015
Document Table of Contents Add a Pattern Writer Component

The pattern writer component accepts memory transfer commands from the RAM test controller with the command streaming interface. The st_data streaming interface accepts data provided by the design’s pattern generator. The mm_data memory-mapped interface writes the pattern data to the SDRAM controller.
  1. In the IP Catalog, double-click Pattern Writer from the Memory Test Microcores group.
  2. In the parameter editor, turn on Burst Enable.
  3. Ensure that the Maximum Burst Count is 2.
  4. Ensure that Enable Burst Re-alignment is turned on.
  5. To accept the other default parameters, click Finish.
  6. Rename the instance to pattern_writer.
  7. Set the pattern_writer clock to clk_0.
  8. Connect the pattern_writer st_data interface to the pattern_generator_subsystem st_data_out interface.
  9. Export the pattern_writer mm_data interface with the name write_master.