Timing Analyzer Quick-Start Tutorial: Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition

ID 683588
Date 12/01/2017

Step 4: Declare False Paths

Follow these steps to declare false paths for the clock transfers between the clk and clkx2 clock signals:
  1. In the Timing Analyzer, click File > Open, and open filtref.sdc.
  2. In the .sdc file, locate the following get_false_path constraint:
    # Set False Path
    set_false_path -from [get_clocks {clk clkx2}] -through /
         [get_pins -compatibility_mode *] -to [get_clocks {clk clkx2}]
  3. To declare false paths for all clock transfers between the clk and clkx2 clock signals, replace the existing false path constraint with the following:
    # Set False Path
    set_false_path -from [get_clocks clk] /
         -to [get_clocks clkx2]
  4. Save and close the .sdc file.
  5. To load the new .sdc constraints, double-click Read SDC File in the Tasks pane.
  6. To update the timing netlist, double-click Update Timing Netlist.
  7. To confirm the false path assignment in the reports, double-click Setup Transfers in the Diagnostic reports. The RR Paths column indicates that the clock domain is now a "false path," reflecting your constraint.