Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Partial Reconfiguration

ID 683834
Date 7/31/2023

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Document Table of Contents altera_pr_persona_if Module

Instantiate the altera_pr_persona_if SystemVerilog interface in a PR region simulation wrapper to connect to all the wrapper multiplexers. Optionally, connect pr_activate to the PR simulation model.
Connect the interface’s persona_select to the sel port of all input and output multiplexers. Connect the pr_activate to the pr_activate of all the output multiplexers. Optionally, connect the report events to the report event ports of the PR simulation model. Then, the PR region driver testbench component can drive the interface.
interface altera_pr_persona_if;
   logic pr_activate;
   int   persona_select;
   event report_storage_if_x_event;
   event report_storage_if_1_event;
   event report_storage_if_0_event;
   event report_storage_event;
   initial begin
      pr_activate <= 1'b0;
endinterface : altera_pr_persona_if
The <QUARTUS_INSTALL_DIR> /eda/sim_lib/ file defines the altera_pr_persona_if component.