Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Partial Reconfiguration

ID 683834
Date 7/31/2023

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3.1. Internal and External PR Host Configurations

You perform PR with either an internal host residing in the core resources, or with an external host via dedicated device pins. Use of an internal host stores all PR host logic on the FPGA device, rather than on an external device. The PR host interfaces with the control block through simple handshaking and data transfer.
Figure 37.  Intel® Arria® 10 or Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX Partial Reconfiguration IP Components (Internal Host)
Figure 38.  Intel® Stratix® 10 or Intel Agilex® 7 Partial Reconfiguration IP Components (Internal Host)
Figure 39. Partial Reconfiguration with Microcontroller External Host ( Intel® Arria® 10 or Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX device)
Figure 40. Partial Reconfiguration with HPS Internal Host ( Intel® Arria® 10 or Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX device)